LabV – The Data Management Platform

Künstliche Intelligenz im Prüflabor

Der Digitale Assistent von LabV

Effiziente Qualitätssicherung und Produktentwicklung

Mühelose, KI-gestützte Datenanalysen ohne Programmierkenntnisse für mehr Insights

KI-gestützte Nutzung der Daten

Effiziente Datenanalysen, intuitive Visualisierungen und tiefgreifende Einblicke – alles auf Knopfdruck.

Der Digitale Assistent auf der analytica

LabV is at analytica 2024

9. - 12th of April 2024 - Messe München

A1.303 co-exhibitor with Netzsch

Artificial Intelligence in Material Development and Quality Control


When: April 10, 2024, 3 p.m.

Where: Room near hall A1


This workshop is designed to deliver a comprehensive understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) applications in material development and quality control. Participants will gain insights into the technology’s potential and draft future use cases for material testing.



• … what AI is
• … what AI means for the lab
• … which added value has AI in the lab
• … and learn through examples and applications of AI in the lab

Interactive Workshop
• … develop AI prompts, focusing on practical applications in your respective field
• … define valuable use cases from various industries
• … discuss how engineers, quality managers and laboratory staff can implement AI in their lab.

Charles at LabV - holding a workshop at analytica

with Charles Jouanique, Chief Revenue Officer, LabV

Sign-up for the workshop

You would like to also have a free tradeshow ticket for analytica? Get in touch with us with the form below! 

Der Digitale Assistent auf der Control-Messe

LabV at Control

23rd to 26th of April 2024 - Stuttgart

Halle 8, Stand 8004-4

Presentation on AI in Quality Control

“The Digital Co-Worker in the Testing Lab: the Role of AI in Quality Assurance”

with Dr. Stefan Thomas, CEO at LabV 


24th of April, 11 am at the Open Forum

Dr Stefan Thomas Ceo at LabV

Contact us for an appointment

You would like to setup an appointment? Get in touch with us with the form below!