LabV – The Data Management Platform


Learn more about LabV by watching our webinars or checking out our videos 


Datenmanagement im Labor statt LIMS

German only: Laboratory software decoded

digitalization in grinding and dsipersing

Digitalisation and AI:
New ways in Quality Control

LabV data management in grinding company

How LabV revolutionzed the quality assurance at a grinding company

data management and AI in the lab - webinar

How Artificial Intelligence Turns Lab and Material Data Into Better Products

AI and data management webinar image - LabV

Intelligent Testing Laboratories: The Use of AI in Practice

Farbe und Lack Webinar Datenmanagement LabV

Digitalization in the Paint and Coatings Industry - Insights

LabV Videos


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Brief Presentation of LabV

Dr. Stefan Tohmas recently presented at the NETZSCH Tech Talks how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing lab work, making experiments more efficient and data-driven.


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LabV- connecting everything

We interviewed Dr. Natalie Rudolph at Netzsch Analyzing & Testing in this free video on how material testing laboratories are preparing for the future. 

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