LabV – The Material Intelligence Platform
When the doors of analytica and Control open on a regular basis, it promises far more than just a meeting of experts – it is a glimpse into the future of laboratory technology and quality assurance. This year in particular, after a period of economic uncertainty, the 2024 trade fairs have not only signalled a recovery in the industry, but also shown how revolutionary technologies such as artificial intelligence will transform the sector.
The industry association SPECTARIS presented encouraging news at this year’s analytica: After a slump of 4.2% in 2023, sales of analytical, bioanalytical and laboratory equipment are now showing signs of recovery. Growth of 5% is projected for 2024, driven by reduced inventories and increasing demand. This cautiously optimistic forecast reflects an innovative industry, always ready to take advantage of new technological opportunities.
The results of a study that SPECTARIS also presented at analytica are evidence of this. It sheds light on the transformative role of artificial intelligence in the laboratory and shows that an impressive 82% of the surveyed manufacturers from the analytical, biotechnology and laboratory technology sectors acknowledge the significant potential of AI. The technology offers not only improved data analysis capabilities, but also new functionalities, innovative business models, clear competitive advantages and significant efficiency gains.
Artificial intelligence (AI) could revolutionize the way laboratories work, but how close are we to that future? Are the visions of AI already a reality, or are we just at the beginning of a long journey?
While the results of the study emphasize the great potential of AI, the trade fairs paint a different picture. “Our offerings on digitalization and AI were very well received,” says Susanne Grödl, Deputy Exhibition Director of analytica. However, Dr. Stefan Thomas, Managing Director of LabV, points out a critical discrepancy: “Although everyone is talking about artificial intelligence because of its enormous potential, there is a clear discrepancy at the trade fairs: many talk about AI, but only a few providers can show concrete applications.” Challenges include data protection risks and the complexity of integrating various data interfaces to create a database for AI in the first place. “Without a solid database, no AI can be successful. It is crucial that we build these foundations in the labs to make the promises of artificial intelligence come true.”
“Many talk about AI, but only a few providers can show concrete applications.”
For example, the newly developed LADS standard promoted by SPECTARIS promises to overcome data integration hurdles in the medium term by enabling seamless, vendor-independent, plug-and-play integration of laboratory instruments. However, it will be some time before this standard is fully implemented by instrument manufacturers. “LabV already provides a mapper that enables the integration of various laboratory devices and also has an AI-supported digital assistant that significantly optimizes workflows and data analysis in laboratories,” adds Dr. Stefan Thomas of LabV.
At the “Digital Transformation” forum at analytica, Charles Jouanique, Chief Revenue Officer at LabV, highlighted the key factors for the successful deployment of AI in laboratories. In his presentation, which attracted more than 100 attendees, he emphasized that structured data, sufficient computing power and natural language coding are key to the successful use of AI. Jouanique also emphasized the critical role of comprehensive data management and the need to integrate all of a company’s test equipment and IT infrastructure to efficiently use data for AI applications – a process that is greatly facilitated by LabV. If you missed the presentation, please check out our recent webinar on AI.
At the Control 2024 international trade fair for quality assurance in Stuttgart, Germany, visitors were able to learn about the latest developments in the industry. The focus was on measurement automation and AI-based solutions for quality assurance tasks – including powerful software tools such as LabV. Despite the wide range of innovative technologies on display, there was one recurring theme: the lively discussion about the potential of AI versus the actual applications.
The presentation of LabV’s digital assistant in the laboratory not only attracted a large audience, but also led to intensive discussions about the practical use of AI to increase efficiency. “Control enabled us to gain important insights into the development of AI in our industry and at the same time present our AI-powered digital assistant,” said Dr. Stefan Thomas, Managing Director at LabV.
The two trade fairs Analytica and Control 2024 have shown this: The gap between the visionary possibilities of artificial intelligence and their practical implementation is still noticeable. Despite the aggressive presentation of AI as a future driver in laboratory and quality assurance, concrete applications are still rare. Against this backdrop, the industry remains challenged to translate discussions about the potential of AI into tangible results and to actually shape better products from the data obtained. Initiatives such as the LADS standard and technologies from companies such as LabV are leading the way. They symbolize the industry’s continued commitment to turning discussions into tangible results and turning data into better products.
The next opportunity to meet LabV is at ACHEMA from the 10th to the 14th of June. For more information, please click here.
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